Mike Vaydik

Member, Non-regional. Acting Chairperson

Mr. Vaydik was born and raised in Yellowknife. He attended Notre Dame and Simon Fraser Universities in British Columbia; where he studied economics, political science and history.

After working in the petroleum and mineral industries, Mr. Vaydik joined the Government of the NWT and traveled extensively throughout the NWT and what is now Nunavut.  His career with the Government of the NWT focused on community and regional development and included work in Public Works, Municipal and Community Affairs and the Executive. He and his family have lived in Grise Fiord, Rankin Inlet, Cambridge Bay and Fort Smith, returning to Yellowknife in 1991. He served as Executive Director of the NWT & Nunavut Chamber of Mines from 1996 until his retirement in 2010.

Mr. Vaydik has served as Chair of the Keewatin Health Board and has served several communities as Justice of the Peace and Coroner. He has served as Chair of the Yellowknife Heritage Committee, Vice President of the NWT Mining Heritage Society, Director of the Yellowknife Community Foundation and Director of the Fox Moth Aviation Historical Society.

Mr. Vaydik was appointed to the NWT Surface Rights Board as a non-regional member in 2015 and is currently serving his second term.