Tyson is a Benefactor of the Inuvialuit Final Agreement and lives in Invuik, Northwest Territory.
Tyson has worked as a National Park Warden and a Federal Fishery Officer in various locations across Canada for over 20 years. He has also participated as a Board Member with the Joint Review Panel for the proposed Mackenzie Gas Project. This panel was tasked to complete an environmental and socio-economic review of all aspects for a natural gas pipeline from the Beaufort Delta region in the Western Canadian Arctic through to Northern Alberta.
Tyson has studied environmental studies, wildlife management and anthropology including an external study offered through Simon Frazer University in East Africa.
Previous Board appointments include the Inuvialuit Arbitration Board, the Inuvialuit Investment Committee, and as a Commissioner for the Inuvialuit Lands Administration.
Tyson is an active harvester and enjoys spending time on the lands and waters teaching and learning with elders and youth.
Tyson was appointed to the NWT Surface Rights Board as the Inuvialuit Region member in 2021 and is currently serving his first term.